Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

What's new: Site and catalog status as of January 2025

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This web site is updated at irrregular intervals, publicly available, and indexed by major search engines. The catalog currently contains records of 848 documented paintings by Frederick Ferdinand Schafer, plus 102 partially described paintings reported to be by Schafer but with insufficient information to be identified or attributed with confidence. There are another dozen or so paintings whose addition to the catalog is pending receipt of more information or permission.

There is also a list of nearly 400 painting titles that have been found in nineteenth century title-only auction catalogs or newspaper clippings. Any of the paintings in that list may already be in the catalog but without more information, matching them is problematic. Finally, added for comparison are records of several paintings by other artists who have been or sometimes are confused with Frederick Schafer and 48 paintings sampled from a larger universe of paintings whose claimed attribution to Schafer can be questioned.

Images are included for all but 19 of the documented paintings. Some of those missing images are in hand but are not currently posted because permission has not been granted.

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Jan 29, 2025, 13:29 MST Accessibility