Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Image record 8168

Newspaper notice of Schafer's 1890 Seattle art reception

No larger image available

[painting photograph]

Image credit: The Library of Congress Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Located by James Marquardt.

Related images: Notice of Schafer's 1890 Seattle art reception.
Report of Schafer's 1890 Seattle art reception.
Advertisement of the 1890 Seattle exhibition of paintings by Schafer.
Advertisement of the 1890 Seattle auction of paintings by Schafer.

Information about this image:
Original: Published Tuesday, 27 May 1890, in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer XVIII, 16, page 5, column 3.
Adjustments: Image digitally contrast-enhanced and sharpened. Image contains ICC color profile.
Note: This is one of a series of six notices and advertisements. In referring to "the Mechanic's fair last year" this notice is using wording that seems to have been recycled from a press release from five years ago. Mechanic's fair catalogs since 1884 do not list any paintings by Schafer.
Calibration: Targets

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