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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0936

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[photo] [Yosemite Valley] (sketch 3)

Medium: watercolor and goache on board (see note)
Size: 7 x 11 3/8 in (18 x 29 cm)
Inscription: l/r "F. Schafer" in the artist's characteristic block lettering hand, with a vertical accent mark above the "a"
Verso: stamp of "A. F. DAGGETT / Manufacturer and Dealer in / Pictures, Frames & Mirrors, / [unreadable line] / 44 SAN PABLO Ave. Opp. 15th St. OAKLAND, CAL"
Provenance: Offered 12 November 2011 via eBay by "ktrichtik", Stockton, California, 12 November 2011. Sold 23 September 2012 for $1481.76 via eBay by "antiques-art", Brisbane, California.
Site: Classic view of Yosemite Valley as viewed from the Mariposa Trail at Artist's point.
Note: The 2011 seller described the medium as "some kind of serigraph print with oil painted details", but from the photograph it appears to be a watercolor and goache sketch on board, which is how the 2012 seller described it. Between the two eBay sales the painting appears to have been touched up slightly.
Identification: Assigned, descriptive title.
In index(es): Title list, Yosemite Valley--classic view, sketches, watercolor and gouache paintings

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