Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Problematic painting record FFSp0913

[photo] [River and mountain scene]

Date: undated
Medium: oil on artist's board
Size: 12 x 20.5 in (30 x 52 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F. Schafer"
Verso: none reported
Provenance: With eBay, California, 13 February 2011.
Citations: eBay, #230584489095
Attribution: Questionable. Although the signature is plausible, the style is not typical of Schafer. The lighting is uniform rather than focused on a central subject, the palette is unfamiliar, the trees look unnatural, the water in the river does not flow smoothly, and there are no visible snags or other debris.
Identification: Assigned descriptive title.
In index(es): questioned attributions

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility