Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting CatalogCitations: Publications other than Newspapers |
Books, magazines, dealer's catalogs, etc.Note: In this list, citations of publications are alphabetized by the lead author's last name. Publications that do not have identifiable authors, such as magazines containing illustrations or catalogs of art dealers, are alphabetized by the first significant word of the magazine or catalog name. Catalogs of public exhibitions that contained paintings by Schafer are in a separate list of exhibitions.PublicationsAlaska Airlines Magazine (Seattle: Paradigm Press).
American Art Review (Leawood, Kansas: American Arts Media).
American Art Selections III (New York: Chapellier Galleries: 1973). Figure 30: Reproduction of [Indian encampment near Mount Rainier]. American Light: The Luminist Movement, 1850–1875 (Washington: National Gallery of Art: c. 1980). American Painting (Schwartz) (Philadelphia: Frank S. Schwartz and Son: 1989). Item 28: reproduction of North Heads on the Pacific Coast, California. American Paintings under $2,000 (Philadelphia: Frank S. Schwartz and Son: 1980). Reproduction of Cypress Point, Monterey [1]. Antiques, The Magazine (New York: Straight Enterprises).
Antiques and Fine Arts VII, 2 (San Jose, California: Artwork, Inc.: January/February, 1990). Page 36: reproduction of [View of Mount Tamalpais]. Appletons' Journal of Literature, Science, and Art 4, 90 (December 17, 1870). Colton, H. E. Picturesque America: Farm on the French Broad, and Hickory–Nut Gap, with Illustrations by Harry Fenn. Pages 737–738. (The illustrations are bound between pages 736 and 737.) Art Index 1–45 (New York: H. W. Wilson Co.: 1932–1998). Art Institute of Chicago, Catalogue of the First Annual Exhibition… of American Oil Paintings. (Chicago: 1888) Art of California (St. Helena: Greg Saffell Communications: 1989). The Art of California: Selected Works from the Collections of the Oakland Museum. (1984: Chronicle Books) Page 15: brief mention of Schafer. Art Sales Index 1–20, Richard Hislop, editor (Weybridge, Surrey: Art Sales Index Ltd.: 1979–1998). Auction Prices of American Artists, Richard Hislop, editor (Weybridge, Surrey: Art Sales Index Ltd.: 1979–1998). Baigell, Matthew, Albert Bierstadt (New York: Watson–Guptill: 1981) ISBN 0–8230–0494–5. Baird, Joseph Armstrong Jr., Catalog of…the…Honeyman…Collection. Full title: Catalogue of Original Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors in the Robert B. Honeyman, Jr., Collection. (Berkeley: Friends of the Bancroft Library, University of California: 1968). Page 131, item 549, describes Morning in the Yosemite Valley [1]. Barnard, John L., Craigdarroch Castle (Victoria, B.C.: J. Barnard Photographer Ltd.: c. 1993). Page 4: a photograph shows Donner lake [2] to the right of the fireplace. Baur, John I. H., editor, "The Autobiography of Worthington Whittredge 1820–1910", Brooklyn Museum Journal 1 (1942) pages 7–68. Excerpt from page 42. Reprinted by the Arno Press in 1969 and in McCoubrey, John W., American Art, 1700–1960. Benezit, Emmanuel, Dictionnaire Critique et Documentaire des Peintres,… Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs de tous les Temps et de tous les Pays…, 1976 edition, Volume 9, page 337. (Paris: Librarie Grund: 1923–4 and 1976). Bötticher, Friedrich von, Malerwerke des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Hofheim am Taunus: Schmidt und Günther: 1969 reprint). Burgard, Timothy Anglin and Alfred C. Harrison, Jr., California Impressions: Landscapes from the Wendy Willrich Collection (Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco: 2006) Page 50, biographical sketch of Schafer. Page 51, reproduction of [Yosemite Valley 3]. Bryant, William C., editor, Picturesque America; or, The Land we live in. (New York: Appleton and company: 1872). California Portrayed, Catalog 29 (Alta California Bookstore: Berkeley: undated, c. 1967). Figure 24: reproduction of [San Francisco bar pilot boat 'Lady Mine']. Callow, James T., Kindred Spirits (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press: 1967). Campbell, Catherine H., New Hampshire Scenery: a dictionary of nineteenth-century artists of New Hampshire mountain landscapes (Canaan, New Hampshire: New Hampshire Historical Society: 1985) Lists one Schafer painting on page 135, with the note "There is presently no information on this artist." Castagnary, Jules Antoine, Salons (1857–1870). "The Salon of 1863," and "The Salon of 1868." (Paris: Bibliotheque–Charpentier: 1892) Castagno, John, American Artists: Signatures and Monograms, 1800–1989 (Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press: 1990). Page 606: reproductions of Schafer's signatures both plain and with initial monogram. Castagno, John, European Artists: Signatures and Monograms, 1800–1990 (Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press: 1990). Page 623: reproductions of signatures of Henri Schäfer (misidentified as Henry and mislabeled as English) and Henry Thomas Schäfer. Cave Rock Final Environmental Impact Statement, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (October 2002). Available at <> (URL verified 28 February 2003) Chelette, Iona M., Catherine Plake Hough and Will South, California Grandeur and Genre… from the collection of James L. Coran and Walter A. Nelson-Rees. (University of Washington Press: 1991). Catalog of an exhibition that never took place. Between the time that this book was prepared and the exhibition was to open, the Coran & Nelson-Rees collection was destroyed in the Oakland fire of October 1991. An exhibition titled California Grandeur and Genre From the collections of friends of James L. Coran and Walter A. Nelson-Rees was mounted in its place. A fold-out enclosure in the catalog lists the paintings actually exhibited. Page 87: reproduction of [Mountain composition 2]. Cock, Elizabeth M., The Influence of Photography on American Landscape Painting, 1839–1880. Ph.D. thesis, June 1967, New York University. Reprinted, with Elizabeth Lindquist-Cock as the author's name (New York: Garland Publishing Inc.: 1977). Cole, Thomas, "Essay on American Scenery" American Monthly, New Series I, pages 1–12. Excerpt of pages 10 and 11. (New York: George Dearborn: January, 1836). Available in American Periodical Series, 1800–1850, APS 746, Reel 377 (Ann Arbor: University Microfilms). Also reprinted in McCoubrey, John W., American Art, 1700–1960, pages 98–110. Collectors Gallery stock list (San Francisco: c. 1953). Alice Phelan Sullivan Library and Archives, The Society of California Pioneers, San Francisco. Comstock, Helen, "The American Scene in Winter" Panorama II, 4 (New York: Harry Shaw Newman Gallery: December, 1946). Describes the exhibition The American Scene in Winter. Page 44: reproduction of On the Upper Sacramento River. Coran, James L. and Walter A. Nelson-Rees, If Pictures Could Talk: Stories about California Paintings in our Collection (Oakland: WIM Fine Arts, 6000 Contra Costa Road: 1989). Three reproductions. Page 62, plate 13 [Mountain composition 2]. Page 50, plate 7: [Floral still life: white rose]. Page 50, plate 8: [Floral still life: red rose]. Dawdy, Doris Ostrander, Artists of the American West: A Biographical Dictionary (Chicago: Sage Books: 1974–85). Pages 389–390: biographical sketch of Schafer. Dunstan, Bernard, Painting Methods of the Impressionists (New York: Watson-Guptill: 1983). Emerson, Peter Henry, Naturalistic Photography… for Students of the Art (London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington: 1889). (Not seen; cited by Cock, Elizabeth M., The Influence of Photography on American Landscape Painting, 1839–1880, page 174.) English, Jane and Bonnie Eddy, Mount Shasta's Black Butte (Mount Shasta, California: Earth Heart: 2002). Page 20: reproduction of Mount Shasta [9]. Falk, Peter Hastings, Dictionary of Signatures…and Monograms of American Artists (Madison, Connecticut: Sound View Press: 1988). Page 371: reproduction of several examples of Schafer's signature. Falk, Peter Hastings, ed., Who Was Who in American Art 1564–1975 (Madison, Connecticut: Sound View Press: 1999). Volume III, page 2912, has a long paragraph and a signature reproduction. The 1985 edition, on page 546 had brief statistics on Schafer, with incorrect years of birth and death. Finke, Ulrich, German Painting…from Romanticism to Expressionism (London: Thames and Hudson: 1974). Gerdts, William H., Art Across America: Two Centuries of Regional Painting, 1710–1920 (New York: Abbeville Press: 1990). Volume 3, page 249: brief mention of Schafer, apparently derived from California Landscape Painting, 1860–1885, because it repeats an incorrect arrival date and amplifies a travel speculation found only in that source.
Han, Byung-Chul, Shanzai:Deconstruction in Chinese (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press: 2017)
Harrison, Alfred C. Jr., "The E.B. Crocker Museum" In Art of California 2, 1, (February/March, 1989). Page 31: reproduction of William Keith's, Mt. Baker, Washington 1869,.
Harrison, Alfred C. Jr., "John Ross Key, the California paintings" In Art of California 2, 2 (April/May, 1989), page 25.
Harrison, Alfred C. Jr., William Keith: The Saint Mary's College Collection (Moraga, California: Saint Mary's College: 1988). Page 42: reproduction of William Keith's In the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Hartesveldt, Richard J., Place Names of Yosemite Valley (National Park Service: 1965)
Hendricks, Gordon, Albert Bierstadt: Painter of the American West. (New York: Harrison House and Harry N. Abrams,: 1974, republished 1988), page 232.
Hendricks, Gordon, "The first three western journeys of Albert Bierstadt" Art Bulletin XLVI, 3, pages 223–365. (New York: College Art Association of America: September, 1964). Figure 19: reproduction of [Mount Shasta 2] (attributed).
Hitchman, Robert, Place Names of Washington (Tacoma: Washington Historical Society: 1985).
Hoopes, Donelson F. and Wend von Kalnein, The Düsseldorf Academy and the Americans (Atlanta: High Museum of Art: 1972).
Howat, John K., American Paradise: The World of the Hudson River School. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, distributed by H. N. Abrams: 1987).
Hughes, Edan Milton, Artists in California, 1786–1940 second edition (Hughes Publishing Co.: 640 Church Street, San Francisco 94114: 1989). Page 494: biographical sketch of Schafer. Third edition, volume 2 (L–Z), page 1007 (Crocker Art Museum: Sacramento, California: 2002)
Husted's Oakland, Alameda, and Berkeley Directory (Oakland, California: Polk-Husted Directory Co.: 1879–1927).
Hütt, Wolfgang, Die Düsseldorfer Malerschule, 1819–1869 (Seeman: Leipzig: New edition, 1984).
International Auction Records 1–32. (Zurich: Meyer: 1967–1998).
Inventory of American Paintings…Executed Before 1914. Artist Index. Pages 22434 ("Schaefer, Frederich":1 22436–22446 ("Schafer", "Schafer, F.", "Schafer, Frederick Ferdinand") and 22448 ("Schafter, F"). (Washington, D.C.: National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution: July 15, 1988).
Kennedy Quarterly (New York: Kennedy Galleries: various). Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, Die Düsseldorfer Malerschule (1967) Foreword by Irene Markowitz. (Düsseldorf: Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf: 1967). Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, Die Düsseldorfer Malerschule (1979) Catalog of an exhibition in Düsseldorf and Darmstadt, 1979, edited by Wend von Kalnein. (Mainz/Rhein: Philipp von Zabern: 1979). Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, The Hudson and the Rhine. (Düsseldorf: Kunstmuseum \ Düsseldorf: c. 1976). Langley's San Francisco Directory (San Francisco: Directory Publishing Co.: various years).
Lekisch, Barbara, Embracing Scenes about Lakes Tahoe and Donner Painters, Illustrators, & Sketch Artists 1855–1915 (Lafayette, California: Great West Books: 2003) Page 155: brief biographical sketch of Schafer. Leonard's Annual Price Index of Art Auctions 1–19. Susan Theran, ed. (Newton, Massachusetts: Auction Index, Inc.: 1980–1998). Lloyd, Benjamin E., Lights and Shades in San Francisco. Excerpt from page 416. (San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft: 1876). McCoubrey, John W., American Art, 1700–1960: Sources and Documents. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall: 1965). McMann, Evelyn de R., Biographical Index of Artists in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 2003) Brief biographical listing of Schafer, not cited. Meany, Edmond C., Origins of Washington Geographic Names (Seattle: University of Washington Press: 1923). Miesse, William C., Sudden and Solitary: Mount Shasta and its Artistic Legacy, 1841–2008; (Heydey Books : Berkeley, California : 2008) "…discusses Schafer and reproduces a few works." (not seen) Miller, Dwight C., California Landscape Painting, 1860–1885: Artists Around Keith and Hill. (Stanford, California: unpublished manuscript developed from the catalog of the exhibition of the same name: 1975). Moure, Nancy Dustin Wall, California Art: 450 Years of painting and other media. (Los Angeles: Dustin Publications: 1998). Figure 3–9, page 46: reproduction of [Mountain composition 2]. Schafer is mentioned in the text and bibliography in four places; one of these mentions and the index misspell his name "Schaeffer". Muir, John, "Map of the Yosemite Valley" From "Treasures of the Yosemite." Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine 39, 10 (August, 1890). Reprinted in The Proposed Yosemite National Park—Treasures and Features. (Golden, Colorado: Outbooks, Inc.: 1986) pages 14–15. Naef, Weston J., Era of Exploration: The Rise of Landscape Photography in the American West, 1860–1885. (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art: 1975). Nesbitt, James K., Craigdarroch Castle: (Victoria: B.C.: Ministry of Provincial secretary and government services: 1980). Eight-panel folded brochure; misspells the artist's name "Schaffer". Nine 7, 1, page 5. (Seattle: KCTS Channel 9: January 1993) Reproduction of Mount Hood from The Dalles, Oregon [1]. Novak, Barbara, Nature and Culture—American Landscape and Painting 1825–1875. (New York: Oxford University Press: 1980). Novak, Barbara, Nineteenth Century American Painting—The Thyssen–Bornemisza Collection. (London: Sotheby Publications: 1986). Page 83: reproduction of Trout Fisherman; page 85: reproduction of Lake George, both by John Frederick Kensett. Oak Grove Lodge No. 215 F & A.M. 1871–1971 Centennial (Alameda, California: Times-Star Press: 1971) Following page 33: two photographs of the Oak Grove lodge room, showing Schafer murals. (The left photograph is printed in mirror-image.) The Old Print Shop Portfolio (New York: Harry Shaw Newman Gallery).
Olpin, Robert S. et al., Artists of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah: Gibbs Smith: 1999). Brief sketch of Schafer's activities in Utah (page 234). Olpin, Robert S. et al., Painters of the Wasatch Mountains (Layton, Utah: Gibbs Smith: 2005). Reproductions of [Indian encampment in the Wasatch Range, Utah] (page 32), On Lake Blanche, Wasatch Mountains, Utah (page 31), and Salt Lake City, Utah, Morning (page 33). Perret, Ferdinand, National Museum of American Art, Washington, D. C. Personal library of art clippings. There is one clipping filed under Schafer's name. Reksten, Terry, Craigdarroch: The Story of Dunsmuir Castle (Victoria, B.C.: Orca Book Publishers: 1987) isbn 920501–07–9. Reksten, Terry, A Guide to Craigdarroch (Victoria, B.C.: Orca Book Publishers: 1987). Repertoire Internationale de la Literature de l'Art Volumes 1–15. (Williamstown, Massachusetts: Getty Art History Information Program, 1975–) Rosenblum, Robert, "Art: Paintings of the American West" Architectural Digest 48, 6, pages 142–147. (Los Angeles: Architectural Digest Publishing Corp.: June 1991). Page 146: reproduction of [Mount Hood from The Dalles, Oregon 2] Samuels, Peggy and Harold, The Illustrated Biographical Encyclopedia of Artists of the American West (Doubleday: Garden City, New York: 1976). Page 422: biographical sketch of Schafer. Samuels, Peggy, Harold, and Joan and Daniel Fabian, Techniques of Artists of the American West (Wellfleet Press: Secaucus, New Jersey: 1990). Seattle Art Museum, Accession file 68.182 for [Mount Rainier at sunset] (misattributed to Schafer, deaccessioned 2013). Schwartz, Ellen Halteman, Nineteenth Century San Francisco Art Exhibition Catalogs: a descriptive checklist and index. (University of California: Davis: 1981) No mention of Schafer. San Francisco Art Association Catalogs of the spring and fall exhibitions (San Francisco: San Francisco Art Association: 1880–1895). Sharylen, Maria, Artists of the Pacific Northwest: A Biographical Dictionary, 1600s–1970. (MacFarland and Company, Inc.: Jefferson, North Carolina: 1993) Page 178, brief biographical sketch of Schafer. Sherman, Edward A., Fifty Years of Masonry in California volume 1. (San Francisco: George Spaulding & Co.: 1898). Page 406: photograph of the lodge room containing five Schafer murals. Simkin, T. and R. S. Fiske, Krakatau, 1883—The Volcanic Eruption and its Effects. (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press: 1983). Smith, L. W. and N. D. W. Moure, Index to Reproductions of American Paintings (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press: 1977). Symons, G. J., editor, The Eruption of Krakatoa, and Subsequent Phenomena Report of the Royal Society. (London: Trubner and Co.: 1888). Thieme, Ulrich, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur…, 1935 edition, Volume 29, pages 549f. (Leipzig: E. A. Seeman: 1953–62 (reprint)). Thuringia arrival list. New York City 1871 Arrival of Friedr. Schafer (Passenger #216). National Archives and Record Administration series M237, roll 348 (September 1871), frame 423ff. FHL microfilm 0175704. image Thuringia departure list. StaatsArchiv Hamburg Auswandererlisten VIII A1, Direkt Band 025 13 Jan 1871–23 Dez 1871, Verzeichniss der Personen welche mit dem Hamburg Dampf-Schiffe Thuringia, Abgang 6 Sept 1871, s. 4. (Passenger #217) image Trenton, Patricia and Peter H. Hassrick, The Rocky Mountains: A Vision for Artists in the Nineteenth Century. (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press: 1983). Plate 52: reproduction of After a storm in the Rocky Mountains. Pages 153–155 and 368: biographical sketch of Schafer. Troyen, Carol, The Boston Tradition: American Paintings from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Exhibition catalog. (New York: 1980: American Federation of the Arts). Vaughan, William, German Romantic Painting. (New Haven: Yale University Press: 1980). Vincent, Stephen, Kevin Starr, and Paul C. Mills. O California!…Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century California Landscapes and Observations. (Bedford Arts Publishers: San Francisco: 1990) ISBN 0–938491–20–2. Page 92, figure 39: reproduction of After a snowstorm in the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Summit Station, Central Pacific Railroad. Vollmer, Hans, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des XX Jahrhunderts, 1958, Volume 4, page 171 and 1963, Volume 6, page 396. (Leipzig: E. A. Seeman: 1958 and 1962). {MFA Boston; MIT Rotch N40.V924 Wilton, Andrew and Tim Barringer, American Sublime: Landscape Painting in the United States, 1820–1880. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press: 2002) Wolf, Ben, "When winter comes" Art Digest 21 (New York: Art Digest, Inc.: December 1, 1946). Page 15: reproduction of Winter in the Sierras on the Central Pacific Railroad. Wood, Christopher, Victorian Painters, Volume IV, Part 1 of Dictionary of British Art (Woodbridge, U.K.: Antique Collectors Club: 1995) ISBN 1851491716. Page 462: biographical sketches of Henry Thomas Schäfer and Henri Schäfer. |
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