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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0230

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[photo] On the Upper Sacramento River
Photo credit: Braarud Fine Art, LaConner, Washington
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 12 x 20 in (30 x 51 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F. Schafer", underlined, in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, in black; the "a" may be umlauted
Verso: said to be "on the upper Sacramento Riv."
Provenance: With Braarud Fine Art, LaConner, Washington, 1998.
Reproductions: Braarud Fine Art broadside, 1998.
Site: Mount Shasta viewed from the Southwest.
Description: The snow-capped twin peaks of Mount Shasta occupy, but do not dominate, the center under a blue, partly cloudy, sky. Two riders, one with a red shirt, have just passed a large boulder pile on their way away along a trail down the center that, in the distance, will follow alongside the river. A sloping mountainside on the left is filled with grass in the foreground and is lightly forested with conifers beyond; the tops of the two nearest trees are silhouted against the clouds in the sky. To the right of the trail appears to be a steep drop down to the river; beyond the river to the right the mountainside is rocky. Much of the brushwork is rough and not carried out to a high degree of finish. (From a color photograph.)
Note: The painting appears to be a field sketch. The representation of Mount Shasta is realistic, very similar to that of Mount Shasta, from the upper Sacramento River [1].
Other title(s): Mt. Shasta from the Upper Sacramento (Braarud Fine Art)
In index(es): Title list, Mount Shasta and Shastina, sketches

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility