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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0888

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[photo] [Golden Gate, San Francisco Bay]

Medium: oil on board
Size: 8 x 18 in (20 x 46 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F.Schafer" in the artist's rounded script hand
Verso: No inscription; two affixed biographical sketches and a descriptive label (see images)
Provenance: Offered 8 November 2009 by Clar's Auction Gallery, Oakland, California, as lot 6256 (not sold). Sold 19 June 2012 for $70 by Matthew's Galleries (auction), Lake Oswego, Oregon, as lot 9067 in June Fine Art Auction.
Reproductions: Matthew's Galleries (auction) 19 June 2012 sale catalog
Note: 1. In the Matthew's Galleries (auction) catalog the painting is listed as 'Anonymous (American, early 20th century)' and '...bears an apocryphal signature "F. Schafer" '. 2. A painting titled "The Golden Gate" was offered in an advertisement for an October, 1909 auction in Victoria, British Columbia but there is not enough information in that advertisement to either include or exclude the possibility that it is the same painting.
Identification: Descriptive title from in the 19 June 2012 sale listing.
Other title(s): San Francisco Bay (Clar's Auction Gallery)
In index(es): Title list, coastal and marine scenes

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