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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd1003

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[photo] [Alpine landscape (?) or Western landscape (?)]

Medium: oil on canvas, lined
Size: 48 x 66 in (121 x 168 cm)
Inscription: "F. Schâfer.", in a hand resembling Schafer's characteristic block printing but with more curves and serifs than usual. Said to be l/l but position not visible in image. The signature may have been strengthened by a later hand. (See the signature image.)
Verso: Back of canvas hidden by lining. Stamp reading "Professional Art Conservation / Bridgeport, CT 203-371-5900." on backing
Provenance: Unknown owner of an E. 38th St. brownstone, New York City, New York; acquired with the building ca 1970s by Charles B. Kentnor Jr. and Jeanette McGuffin Kentnor (Nutmeg Real Estate Corp); by descent in 1982 to Jane Kentnor Dean; by gift ca 1991 to Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut; by transfer in 2015 to the Fairfield University Art Museum, Fairfield, Connecticut, accession no. 2015.02.02.
Citations: Personal communications with the Director and Chief Curator of the Fairfield University Art Museum, 2015.
Site: Unidentified. The background mountains may be Alpine (for example, depicting the Matterhorn and Dent d'Hérens) or they may be somewhere in the Cascades or Sierras of the Western United States.
Note: 1. The painting remained in the New York City brownstone until its then owner donated it to the Fairfield University Art Museum. 2. The background mountain, with twin snow-covered peaks, is not immediately recognizable and does not appear in any other Schafer painting that has emerged to date.
Identification: Speculative descriptive title suggested by
In index(es): Title list, unidentified mountain scenes, paintings currently held in museums and public collections

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility