Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Image index of questioned attributions

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This index provides a sampling of paintings that appear to be signed by Frederick Ferdinand Schafer, or for some other reason have been suggested to be attributable to him, but each also has one or more characteristics that has led to a question about this attribution. Since in most of these examples the paintings are known only by a photograph, it is difficult to make any conclusive judgment, and despite the questions some of these paintings may well be by Schafer, particularly the first six. For each painting in this list, its description includes an attribution section that discusses the concerns.

Perhaps because of the increased availability of on-line marketplaces, in recent years the number of newly emerged paintings questionably attributed to Schafer has equalled or exceeded the number of newly emerged paintings that are clearly his work. Rather than attempting to comprehensively list every questionable attribution, the purpose of this list is to provide a few examples for study.

All but the first eight of these paintings are omitted from the grand tour of paintings by Schafer and most of the rest are omitted from the title and subject indexes.

Evening on the Lake Tahoe [2]
[Mount Shasta, California 22]
[Grand Canyon, Arizona]
sketch signature
[Mountain Landscape, Cabin]
ornately signed
Mount Shasta, California [29]
[Stroller on a (Mediterranean?) Path]
signed with initials only
[Mountain Landscape] (sketch)
signed lightly
[Mount Hood, Oregon 2]
signed with rounded sketch hand
[Landscape with Dirt Road and Field of Flowers]
[Vernal Fall, Yosemite] (sketch)
bears signature "F. Schafer."
[Mount Shasta (?)]
bears signature "F.Schafer"
[Watering the horses]
signed in an unknown hand
[Country stream and landscape]
signed in an unknown hand
Shepherds Pass
signed in an unknown hand
[Indian encampment in Yosemite Valley]
signature scratched in surface
[Mount Shasta]
signature scratched in surface
[Mount Rainier at sunset]
signed "FS 190*"
[River scene]
signed "Schafer" in an unknown hand
[Indian Encampment by a Lake]
signed "Schafer" in an unknown hand
[River landscape with Windmill]
signed "Schafer" in an unknown hand
[A woodland path]
signed "F Schaefer" in an unknown hand
[Mountain landscape with waterfall 2]
signed in an unknown hand
[Bridalveil Fall, Yosemite Valley]
sketch signature
[Mountain landscape]
said to be signed "FS 06"
[Indian Camp in the Forest]
[no photo]
[Rainy mountain in Samoa]
[Three Sisters, Oregon]
[A Study for Yosemite Valley]
[Mount Hood]
[Yosemite Valley]
[Mt Shasta?]
Tropical landscape
[Tourist party viewing Yosemite]
[The Three Sisters, Oregon]
Indian camp in the forest
no signature visible
[Three Sisters Wilderness, Oregon]
signed "F SHAFER" in unknown hand
signed "T Hall"
[no photo]
signed but unreadable
[A California landscape]
signed "Schafer"
[no photo]
Landschaft im Fruehling by Friedrich Schaper (1869-1956)
erroneously attributed to Schafer
[The Three Sisters, Oregon, in alpine glow]
signed "SFchafER" with non-standard monogram
[Vernal Fall, Yosemite]
signed on verso sticker
[River and mountain scene]
bears signature "F. Schafer."
bears signature "F. Schafer."
[Riders approaching Mount Shasta (?)]
signed indistinctly; see [Two figures on horseback]
[Western mountains] (attributed)
bears faint signature "FSchafer"
[Pond in the woods]
signed "F. Schäffer"
[A Mountain Lake, with a Sailboat and a Town in the Distance] (attributed)
"remnants of a signature"
[Indians on the Amazon River]
signed "F. Schafer"

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