Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Problematic painting record FFSp0943

[photo] [The Three Sisters, Oregon]

Date: no date
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 18 x 28 in (46 x 71 cm)
Inscription: not signed
Verso: none
Provenance: Sold 13 April 2014 for $900 + 22% by Clar's Auction Gallery, Oakland, California, as lot 2114 in "Fine Art and Antique Auction".
Reproductions: Clar's Auction Gallery 13 April 2014 sale catalog, lot 2114
Attribution: Being unsigned and having no provenance, attribution becomes a matter of judgment. While the overall composition and treatment of light are typical of Schafer, and the snags and other debris are his hallmarks, the color palette of this painting seems distinctly different, emphasizing browns and avoiding blues in the sky. Further, the subject mountains are depicted with the same level of detail and finish as the foreground, and there is no central focus both of which are unusual for Schafer. These differences make it difficult to to confidently attribute the painting to him.
Site: The Three Sisters mountains, Oregon, viewed from the West.
Note: The Clar's Auction Gallery catalog listed this unsigned painting as "Attributed to Frederick Ferdinand Schafer".
Identification: Descriptive assigned title of unknown origin.
In index(es): questioned attributions

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