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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Problematic painting record FFSp1125

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[photo] [Mountain Landscape] (sketch)

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 9 x 12 in (23 x 30 cm)
Inscription: Signed, l/r: "F Schafer", in block letters, very faint.
Verso: No inscription. On frame: Label of Simpson Galleries, Houston, Texas. Two pieces of paper containing a printed biographical sketch of Schafer. Handwritten "F. SHAFFER" with the letter "C" inserted between the "S" and the "H".
Provenance: Simpson Galleries LLC, Houston, Texas (date not reported); unidentified private collection; sold 8 April 2021 for $448 by Brunk Auctions, Asheville, North Carolina, as lot 99 in Emporium Auction.
Reproductions: Brunk Auctions on-line catalog
Attribution: Although the subject matter, composition, illumination, and pallette are all typical, because of the lack of finish there is not much further evidence one way or another. The signature is very light, making it hard to verify. The verso photograph suggests a canvas and stretcher of appropriate vintage and there are no surprises in the ultraviolet photograph.
Description: A sketch with minimal finish, especially of the foreground.
Identification: Title of unknown origin as listed in the Brunk Auctions catalog.
In index(es): unidentified mountain scenes, sketches, questioned attributions

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility