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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd1124

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[photo] Spring morning [3]
Photo credit: Collector's photograph, 2021
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 16 x 24 in (61 x 41 cm)
Inscription: Signed l/r "F.Schafer" in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand.
Verso: Titled, l/c, "SPRING MORNING." in black brush but does not appear to be in the artist's usual hand.
Provenance: Acquisition circa 1915 by attorney William Walton Laidley (1885-1948) and Viola Stoner Laidley (1888-1973), Piedmont, California; by descent to Maryella Walton Laidley Lenahan (1908- 2007), Piedmont, California, in 1950; by descent to Mary (Midge) Lenahan Hall (1935-2016), Wallace, California, in 2005; by descent to collection of Clayton Patterson Hall, Lodi, California, in 2016.
Citations: Personal communication, 2021, with the 2016 collector.
Note: A painting with this title appeared on page 52 of the record of the Mechanics' Institute Nineteenth Industrial Exhibition in San Francisco in 1884 and may have subsequently been sold at one of several auctions in 1885 and 1886 that included paintings from that exhibition. For example, see lot 31 on page 4 of the catalog of a 17 November 1885 auction in San Francisco by C. P. Troy and lot 64 in the catalog of a sale in Salt Lake City in May 1886 again by C. P. Troy. Both the exhibition and the auction lists include a second painting titled "Autumn Evening", a possible pendant. Unfortunately, these sources provide only titles, so there is not enough information to tell whether or not it is this same painting.
Identification: Title from verso inscription.
In index(es): Title list, pastoral and rural scenes

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility