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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd1146

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[photo] [Sunrise, Merced River]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 30 in
Inscription: none apparent in available photograph
Provenance: In collection of Salvador G. Morales, Sr (1903- ) and Amalia R. Morales (1906- ), probably by the 1930s, by descent in the family by 2012 to collection of Salvador G. Morales, Jr. (1932-2023) and Betty Morales, Fresno and Los Angeles, California; on loan to collection of the Jonathan Club, Los Angeles (See legend).
Reproductions: Website of Jonathan Art Foundation
Attribution: Based on the composition, palette, and general appearance in the low-resolution photograph, the painting is likely by Schafer, but lacking further information such as verso and recto inscriptions, its attribution needs further evaluation.
Site: Appears to be a view of the Three Brothers, a rock formation in Yosemite Valley, California, as seen across the Merced River.
Legend: Said to have been one of a batch of ten Schafer paintings purchased circa 1939 by Amalia R. Morales (1906- ) from Medora Lee Brown Baker, wife of Milo A. Baker (1868-1953) at the dismantling of the Baker house at 426 N. Broadway in Los Angeles. The ten paintings were later distributed among several Morales descendents. Having ten Schafer paintings in a single collection in Los Angeles in the 1930s suggests that they may have been acquired at one or more of the all-Schafer auction sales held in Los Angeles in 1886, 1887, 1894, or 1897. Mr. Baker could have acquired the paintings at either or both of the two later auctions, or inherited them together with the house at the passing of his father, Milo Stannard Baker (1828-1894).
Identification: Title from Jonathan Art Foundation on-line posting.
In index(es): Title list, Yosemite Valley--other views

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility