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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0007

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[photo] [Alpine scene]
Photo credit: Walter Nelson-Rees, WIM Fine Arts, 1974
Date: said to be undated
Medium: watercolor on paper
Size: 7.5 x 13.25 in (19.1 x 33.7 cm)
Inscription: l/l "Frederick Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, The "a" is said to be umlauted, but that is not visible in the photograph,
Provenance: With WIM Fine Arts, Oakland, California, in 1974. In private collection, Lafayette, California, in 1990.
Reproductions: WIM Fine Arts photo #138 (color, 1974); Inventory of American Paintings… record 71066966, S2.96 LC10/6
Description: At the right center, a white-water mountain stream flows directly toward the viewer between rocky slopes with a snow-capped mountain in the distance. Two large, gnarled trees with deep green foliage stand on the left bank, a group of smaller trees clings to the steeper right slope. The sky is cloudy grey. Most of the painting is in shades of pinkish grey, with accents in green. (From a color photograph.)
Note: Based on the similarity in size and appearance, this painting is probably intended to be a pendant with Morgen im Walde (Morning in the woods [1]).
Identification: Descriptive title of unknown origin, as found in the Inventory of American Paintings index.
In index(es): Title list, foreign scenes, watercolor and gouache paintings

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility