Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Problematic painting record FFSp0637

[photo] [Indian Camp in the Forest]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 25 x 15 in. (61 x 38 cm.)
Inscription: unsigned
Verso: said to be no inscription
Provenance: In collection of Carl Schafer Dentzel, Northridge, California, by 1985; gift of the Dentzel family to Phoenix Art Museum in 1985; deaccessioned 1995. Sold 13 June 2001 for $4750+17.5% by Butterfield & Butterfield, San Francisco, as lot 5260 in sale 7240.
Reproductions: 13 June 2001 sale catalog.
Citations: Phoenix Art Museum acquisition 85.134.
Attribution: Since the painting is unsigned, attribution is problematic. Although the composition and much of the palette are typical of Schafer, the overall style is somewhat different from other work by Schafer, the background colors are unusually intense, and the brushwork at the front edge appears (at least in the photograph) to be less finished than that of the center of the painting.
Note: The museum reported the size to be 25 x 12 inches, but the sale catalog reports 25 x 15 inches and the proportions of the photograph are consistent with the catalog.
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