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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0594

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[photo] The Yosemite Valley (mural)
Photo credit: Philip A. C. Harris
Date: 1896
Medium: wall mural of unknown materials
Size: 10 by 12 feet (estimated)
Inscription: n.v.
Verso: not applicable
Provenance: in collection of Oak Grove Lodge 215, Free and Accepted Masons, Alameda, California; the building has since been sold and the murals may have been destroyed.
Reproductions: Photograph by Philip A. C. Harris, c. 1930; Sherman, Edward A., Fifty Years of Masonry in California, page 406; San Francisco Chronicle, 24 April 1896; Oak Grove Lodge No. 215 F & A.M. 1871–1971 Centennial, page 33f.
Description: A rather all-encompassing view of Yosemite Valley from atop the bluff on the south side. On the left is seen El Capitan; beyond it is Arch Rock and below is the Merced River. In the center distance against the horizon is Half-Dome, and to its right Sentinel Rock. To the right are Cathedral Rocks, and below and in front, Bridalveil Fall. The entire scene is viewed down a gently-sloped, lightly forested draw with a clusters of two or three tall tress on each side. (From a monochrome photograph.)
Note: (1) This was one of five [Murals of the Masonic lodge, Alameda, California]. For more information, see the notes in that entry. (2) This is one of several Schafer paintings of Yosemite Valley in which the tall foreground conifers are clustered in pairs or threes. Other examples are the small watercolor [Three hikers entering Yosemite Valley], oils The Yosemity Valley - California [5], The Yosemite Valley from Artist's Point, California [4], [Yosemite Valley from Artist's Point, California 5] and [The Yosemite Valley 13] (1881).
Identification: From the descriptions in the San Francisco Chronicle and the book by Sherman.
In index(es): Title list, Yosemite Valley--classic view, murals

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