Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting information checklist

Submitting information about Schafer paintings

If you have or know of a painting by Frederick Ferdinand Schafer that is not currently included in this catalog, or have further or corrected information about a painting already in the catalog, your help is requested in making the catalog as complete and accurate as possible. To the extent available, please provide the following items of information about the painting. If all of this information is not easily available, partial information is still of considerable value. Thank you for your help.

  • Title.
  • Source of the title, if not from an inscription.
  • Date, if one has been suggested.
  • Source of the date, if not from an inscription.
  • Medium.
    • example: oil on canvas
  • Size, not including the frame.
    • Height:
    • Width:
    • Units, if not inches.
  • Any inscriptions on the front of the painting, including accent marks and the position on the painting.
    • example: lower right "FSchafer 89", initials conjoined in a monogram and a grave accent over the "a".
  • Any inscriptions on the back of the painting (with abbreviations and capitalization just as they appear there).
  • Current location, city and state or province (and country, if outside the United States and Canada).
  • Provenance…Name of current owner, when and from whom the painting was acquired, and any known earlier history of the painting's ownership. Unless the owner specifically authorizes otherwise, privately owned paintings will appear in the catalog with a private provenance such as, "To private collection, Michigan, January 1961". The names of earlier private owners will similarly be kept private. The names of dealers and auction houses that handled the painting will appear in the provenance unless otherwise requested.
  • Legends: any stories that come with the painting.
  • Photographs of the front, back, and signature, for publication in the catalog, and a suggested credit line for the photos. Even a photo of a living room that happens to show the painting hanging on one wall is (after a little digital image processing) surprisingly useful. If you are taking a new photograph, it is worth first checking this set of Tips for photographing an oil painting.
  • If a photograph is not available, a brief description of the subject.
    • example: A snow-capped mountain range viewed across a small lake with two deer in the foreground.
  • Publication information: if the painting has appeared in an exhibition, or a photograph appeared in some publication, or the painting has been mentioned in published articles, please provide a citation with the title of the publication or exhibition, the date, page numbers, and the exhibition sponsor and location.

Please send the information, together with your name and how to contact you, in case there are any questions, by e-mail to or by postal mail to

Jerome H. Saltzer
2635 East Plateau Drive
Boise, Idaho 83712
Thank you for your help.

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility