Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Image index of Alaska scenes

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Although no record has been found of Schafer having traveled to Alaska, one studio painting and four sketches on a single sketch sheet have titles of places in Alaska, suggesting that he might have visited there while on his 1891 trip to Victoria, B.C.
Glacier in Alaska
[Four pencil sketches] (Sketchbook ca 1891, page #26)
Muir Glacier, Alaska (Sketchbook ca 1891, page #26 sketch #1)
Indian River, Alaska [1] (Sketchbook ca 1891, page #26 sketch #2)
Indian River, Alaska [2] (Sketchbook ca 1891, page #26 sketch #3)
Torau(?) Glacier, Alaska (Sketchbook ca 1891, page #26 sketch #4)

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