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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0202

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[photo] [Mount Tamalpais 2]
Photo credit: Christopher Queen Galleries, 2005
Date: probably undated
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 36 in (51 x 92 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F Sch…" remainder illegible, not in the artist's hand
Verso: said to be no inscription
Provenance: With Hunter Gallery, San Francisco; to private collection, San Francisco, c. 1970; with Carlson Gallery, San Francisco, in 1983. With Christopher Queen Galleries, Duncans Mills, California, in 2005.
Reproductions: William K. Dick photo #57 (color, 1970)
Site: View from the south of Mount Tamalpais, in Marin County, California. The viewpoint may be Frank's Valley.
Description: In the center stands the hazy greyish-brown silhouette of a mountain against a sky that is blue on the elft, hazy-pink on the right. On the left a rocky ridge comes down to a valley; in front of the ridge is a small grove of trees, in front of that a clearing filled with grass and wildflowers. On the right is a more distant, more gently sloped ridge, on the very right is a small deep green triangle of forest foliage, brush, and grass. In the middle is a flat valley floor with water standing in the center; above the valley a flock of three or four birds is silhouetted low against the distant mountain. (From a color photograph.)
Identification: Descriptive title of unknown origin, as reported by William K. Dick.
In index(es): Title list, Mount Tamalpais

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility