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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Problematic painting record FFSp1119

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[photo] [Mountain Landscape, Cabin]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 30 x 50 in (76 x 127 cm)
Inscription: Signed l/l "F.Schâfer" in an unusually ornate version of Schafer's usual block-printing hand, underlined.
Verso: None apparent in the available photograph.
Provenance: Offered 2 September 2020 (not sold) by Jasper52, New York City, as lot 47 in "Fine Arts, Prints, & Multiples" auction.
Reproductions: 2 September 2020 sale catalog (color).
Attribution: This painting is distinctly different from the usual Schafer work. With extensive debris, strongly saturated (almost to the point of being garish) colors, and background mountains resembling a "sublime" Bierstadt, this painting is almost a parody of the usual Schafer details. The available photograph is slightly out of focus, which adds to the difficulty of interpretation. However, the overall composition, illumination, staffage, botanically accurate vegetation, convincing water, and foreground wildflowers are all typical and the verso photograph suggests a canvas of appropriate age. Further analysis would require personal inspection of the work.
Site: Unidentified, but the Swiss style chalet and rugged background mountain suggest a European scene.
Identification: Title as found in sale listing.
In index(es): unidentified mountain scenes, questioned attributions

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility