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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Problematic painting record FFSp0647

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[photo] [Mount Shasta, California 22]
Photo credit: William K. Dick, 1980
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 30 x 50 in (76 x 127 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Provenance: With Hunter Gallery, San Francisco, 1980.
Reproductions: William K. Dick photo #5 (color, 1980)
Attribution: Although the shape of Mount Shasta, the overall composition, the palette, and the signature are all typical of Schafer, the level of finish is more uniform than usual.
Site: Mount Shasta, viewed from the Southwest, with Shastina on the left, in the morning sunlight.
Description: The snow-covered peaks, brightened by the sun from the right, stand between a saturated deep blue sky on the right and dark clouds gathering on the left. Two birds are in flight down a dark river valley that runs from the center to the right front. On the right bank three ridges climb steeply up and out of sight; the farthest is forested, the next is largely forested with a large rock outcrop above, the nearest is mostly rocky; below the near ridge is a small conifer grove. On the nearby left bank is a flat area with a trail along the water; white boulders are seen on the left of the trail and also one stands at the water's edge, reflected. Amid the boulders is woodland brush and a few conifers, three of which reach to the sky above. Behind the trees, a beige cliff acts as a backdrop. (From a color photograph.)
Identification: Assigned, descriptive title, based on paintings of the same scene that were titled by the artist.
In index(es): Mount Shasta and Shastina, questioned attributions

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility