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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd1081

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[photo] [Indian Encampment 4]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 30 x 60 in (76 x 152 cm)
Inscription: Signed l/l: "FSchafer" in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand.
Verso: none reported
Provenance: In the collection of Gottlop Schwank Jr. (1866-1944), Pendleton, Oregon, by ca 1920s; by descent to Albert E. Schwank (1913-1986), Walla Walla, Washington; by descent to private collection, Lewiston, Idaho; sold 28 July 2018 for $22,610 by The Coeur d'Alene Art Auction, Reno, Nevada, as lot 153.
Exhibited: Tamástslikt Cultural Institute, Pendleton, Oregon, 2005-2018.
Reproductions: The Coeur d'Alene Art Auction 2018 sale catalog.
Site: Unidentified, possibly Eastern Oregon (see Legend). The locale appears to be the same as in the near mirror image [Indian Encampment 3].
Legend: "[The collector's] grandfather homesteaded in the Pendleton area and said that the painting looked just like the area did when he first came into the area so he purchased it. Then it was passed down to [the collector's] father, then to him."
Identification: Descriptive title assigned by unknown source.
In index(es): Title list, Indian encampments as primary subjects, Indians in desert locales, expensive paintings

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility