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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0972

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[photo] Mount Shasta from the Sacramento River, California

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 26 in (51 x 56 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F.Schàfer" in the artist's characteristic block printing hand
Verso: indistinct but appears from the photo to be l/c "Mt Shasta from Sacramento River / Cala" in the artist's characteristic block printing hand
Provenance: Offered 1 December 2013 (not sold) by Michaan's Auctions by the Bay, Inc., Alameda, California, as lot 31 in December Estate Auction; sold 2 March 2014 for $615 by Michaan's Auctions by the Bay, Inc., Alameda, California, as lot 39 in Estate Auction.
Reproductions: Michaan's Auctions by the Bay, Inc. 1 December 2013 and 2 March 2014 sale catalogs.
Site: Mount Shasta, viewed from the south along the upper Sacramento River.
Note: According to William K. Dick notes, page 82, a painting with this title was sold for $37.50 in a 10 November 1884 auction sale in San Francisco. Two more paintings with this title were offered as lot 5 on page 3 and lot 27 on page 4 in the catalog of a 17 November 1885 auction in San Francisco. Unfortunately, there is not enough information in those sources to either include or exclude the possibility that one of those paintings is the same as this one.
Identification: Title adjusted slightly from best reading of the artist's verso inscription. The 1 December 2013 auction catalog used the title "Mount Shasta".
In index(es): Title list, Mount Shasta and Shastina

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility