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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0881

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[photo] [Midway Point, Monterey] (sketch)
Photo credit: Owner's photograph, 2009
Medium: oil on canvas laid down on corrugated cardboard
Size: 13 x 18 in (33 x 46 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F Schafer." in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand.
Provenance: Found in a Calavaras County, California flea market in 2009; to private collection, northern California.
Citations: Personal communication with the owner, 2009.
Site: The Pacific Ocean, just south of Cypress point, near Monterey, California. The location is named "the lone cypress" on modern maps, with Midway point just beyond.
Note: 1. This sketch may be the basis for the studio painting Midway Point, Monterey 2. The corrugated cardboard on which the canvas has been laid down is from a carton labeled "California Baking Company, San Francisco".
Legend: Said to have been purchased at the flea market for $1.
Identification: Assigned, descriptive title based on similarity to Midway Point, Monterey
In index(es): Title list, coastal and marine scenes, sketches

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility