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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0712

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[photo] Near Felton, Santa Cruz Mountains, California

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 27 x 19 inches (68 x 48 cm)
Inscription: l/r "F. Schafer.", underlined, in the artist's block-letter hand
Verso: l/c "Near Felton / Santa Cruz Mts Cal.", script in black brush. On the frame, said to be "The Pelager Pat. Pat. Feb. 2 1886", with the numbers "334" and "95" in chalk.
Provenance: In private collection, San Francisco, by 1977; offered 22 November 2010 (not sold) by Bonhams & Butterfields, San Francisco, as lot 2 in sale 18408.
Reproductions: Bonhams & Butterfields 22 November 2010 sale catalog.
Citations: Personal communications with the owner, 2002 and 2009
Note: A painting with this title appears in the record of the Mechanics' Institute Nineteenth Industrial Exhibition in 1884 and (probably the same painting) was offered as lot 150 on page 9 in the catalog of a 17 November 1885 auction in San Francisco but there is not enough information in either source to either include or exclude the possibility that it is this painting.
Legend: Gift from a neighbor who probably acquired it circa 1945.
In index(es): Title list, mountain streams through a forest, Santa Cruz mountains, California

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