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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0550

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[photo] Mount Shasta, California [18]

Date: may be 1870—see verso inscription
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 14 x 21 in (36 x 53 cm)
Inscription: signed l/r "Sch…" illegible in photograph
Verso: signed u/l "F. Schafer"; titled l/r "Mount Shasta Cal"; both in the artist's characteristic block-printing hand. Scratched on the upper stretcher bar, "1870 Frederick Schafer" in an unknown hand.
Provenance: From a private collection, California, sold 7 September 2019 for $1500 by Heritage Auctions, Inc., Dallas, Texas, as lot 68242 in sale 5462, "Art of the West".
Reproductions: Heritage Auctions, Inc. 2019 sale catalog.
Site: Mount Shasta, viewed from the south, through an unidentified river valley.
Description: Under a blue sky with a few clouds, A snow-covered Mount Shasta is viewed from a flat-bottomed river valley with a large mountain range rising to the right in the mid-distance. The river appears in the middle of the scene and flows directly to the front center of the painting, rippling around several rocks. At the left edge, two tall, slender broadleaf trees reach into the sky above the rest of the forest; a group of half a dozen darker conifers stands in front of the forest. In the foreground, a sandy river bank gives way to rocks and a bumpy grassy area. On the right bank again a few dark green conifers stand in front of a broadleaf forest beyond. (From a color photograph).
In index(es): Title list, Mount Shasta and Shastina

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility