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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0226

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[no photo] Mount Shasta, California [17]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 12 x 18 in (31 x 46 cm)
Inscription: said to be signed
Verso: said to be titled
Provenance: Offered 19 November 1994 by Morton M. Goldberg Auction Galleries, New Orleans, Louisiana, as lot 1214 (not sold). Sold 24 June 1995 for $770 by Morton M. Goldberg Auction Galleries, New Orleans, Louisiana, as lot 363.
Reproductions: Morton M. Goldberg Auction Galleries 19 November 1994 sale catalog, 24 June 1995 sale catalog.
Site: Appears to be Mount Shasta viewed from the West, through an unknown river valley, though it could also be Old Baldy (Mount San Antonio) near Los Angeles.
Description: A snow-capped double-peaked mountain, lighted from the left, dominates the center of the painting, viewed through a moderately steep and long river valley. The lower left third of the painting is a foreground triangle, consisting of the sloped left bank of the river. Near the viewer, this slope is cluttered with large boulders and at least one downed snag; farther away the slope is covered with conifers, two of which at the left are prominently silhouetted against the sky; a third is silhouetted against the mountain. The river runs in white water at the lower right past a much steeper but similarly cluttered slope on the other side. Beyond these two slopes, two larger, but less-detailed mountains form the continuation of the valley. (From a color photograph.)
Identification: Title as appearing in the sale catalog. The two sales are assumed to be of the same painting, based on the failure of the first sale, their adjency in time, and the identical title and size.
In index(es): Title list, Mount Shasta and Shastina

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