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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0169

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[photo] [Mount Hood, Columbia River 1]

Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 20 x 36 in (51 x 91 mm)
Inscription: l/c "F Scha…" scratched in the varnish, not visible in photograph.
Provenance: Said to have been found in a Marin County flea market and acquired by private collection, San Francisco; to collection of Edan Milton Hughes (1935–2015), San Francisco by 1993, inventory #2307. Sold 11 August 2013 for $900 by Clar's Auction Gallery, Oakland, California, as lot 2116A.
Reproductions: Clar's Auction Gallery 11 August 2013 sale catalog.
Site: Appears to be Mount Hood, Oregon, viewed from the East or Northeast.
Description: A large stratovolcano, pink in the morning or afternoon sun and with a small snowcap dominates the scene under a blue sky. A river flows from the center toward the viewer, finally filling nearly two/thirds of the front of the painting. On the left bank is a small grove of tall conifers silhouetted against the sky with a steeply rising hillside at the very left. Farther down the left bank are more conifers, while nearer to the viewer is brush and weeds with fallen snags near the river's edge. A dark ridge rises gradually on the far side of the river; the sun catches a rounded, doubleed hilltop near the right at the highest point. Immediately behind that hilltop is a more distant rounded, doubled hilltop, apparently a continuation of the ridge formed by the right flank of the volcano. (From a fuzzy color photograph.)
Note: In fall, 1999, a description of what is probably this painting (without a photograph to confirm), using the title "Mt Hood", was posted on the World-Wide Web site that displays the collection of Edan Milton Hughes (1935–2015), under inventory #980. It was simultaneously offered for sale by california-art.com using that same inventory number.
Identification: Descriptive title of unknown origin.
In index(es): Title list, Columbia River scenes, Mount Hood

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