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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0138

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[photo] [Morning in White Mountains 2]
Photo credit: Owner's photograph, June 1999
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 30 x 20 in (76 x 51 cm)
Inscription: l/r "Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, probable monogram (see note.)
Verso: "AK-71", gummed label on stretcher, conservator's label "96.06.33" on frame. No inscription by artist.
Provenance: With Atelier Doré, San Francisco, by 1992; to private collection, Mendocino, California, 1995
Description: A deeply rutted dirt road leads a staff-carrying stroller wearing an orange hat and a red jacket directly away from the viewer. Tall birch trees with high foliage line both sides of the path. The sky is a cloudy blue at the top, fading to a cloudy grey haze near the middle above a steep brown cliff rising to the left in the distance beyond a placid river or lake whose bank the road follows to the right. Above the cliff is a higher, greyish (perhaps snowcovered) more distant cliff; still higher cliffs blend into the cloudy haze. The sun, coming from the right, brightens the green grass on either side of the road near the stroller. Red and white flowers dot the base of the trees on the right; a standing snag at the right edge leans slightly toward the largest tree (From the painting, 19 August 1992.)
Note: 1. A vertical line through the bottom part of the "S" in the signature appears to be part of a monogrammed "F", but the area of the signature has suffered enough damage that it is difficult to be certain. 2. See the list of forest path scenes for several other works of similar composition.
Identification: Assigned title, based on similarity of subject and composition to Morning in White Mountains [1]
Other title(s): Mountain road (conservator)
In index(es): Title list, eastern United States scenes, forest path scenes

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility