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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0082

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[photo] [Floral still life: white rose]
Photo credit: Walter Nelson-Rees, WIM Fine Arts
Medium: oil on board
Size: 9 x 5 in (23 x 13 cm)
Inscription: l/r "F. Schäfer.", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Verso: "Troy", "12.50", in pencil, in an unknown script hand
Provenance: In private collection, Ventura, California by 1986; with Christopher Queen Galleries, Duncan Mills, California, 1986; sold 1988 with [Floral still life: red rose] for $2000 to collection of James Coran & Walter Nelson-Rees, Oakland, California, inventory #5401; destroyed in the Oakland fire, 20 October 1991.
Exhibited: If Pictures Could Talk, Concord, California, 1990.
Reproductions: Coran, James L. and Walter A. Nelson-Rees, If Pictures Could Talk, plate 7; Early California and Western Art Research/Schafer slide #95 (color, 1990) [not seen]
Citations: Coran and Nelson-Rees, page 50; Christopher Queen Galleries record 239
Description: Still life: A white rose is the centerpiece in a low, white fluted vase sitting on a beige-grey table that encompasses the width of the painting. Filling out the bouquet are a budding red rose below, two red flowers above, a yellow-buttoned black pansy above, a white flower spike and miscellaneous other flowers and foliage. A stem with a red rose bud lies draped across the base of the vase; on the table at the right is a red rose petal. (From a color photograph and the painting, 15 July 1990.)
Note: Coran and Nelson-Rees suggest that the small size (making transportation easy), studio subject matter, and German signature all indicate that this painting may have been done before Schafer's 1876 emigration to the United States. This painting and [Floral still life: red rose] appear to be pendants. Both are in a style unique for Schafer, reminiscent of seventeenth century Dutch still-life painting.
Identification: Descriptive title of unknown origin, as found in the book. In the 1880's a San Francisco auctioneer named C. P. Troy sold a number of Schafer paintings; the verso inscription may be the auctioneer's name and the price.
In index(es): Title list, foreign scenes, unusual subjects--still life, cityscapes, twenty representative works by the artist

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