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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0040

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[photo] Chinatown, Los Angeles, 1886

Date: title implies 1886
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 13 x 25 in (33 x 64 cm)
Inscription: l/r, "F. Schäfer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, umlaut resembles a circumflex.
Provenance: In collection of the Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles; ; offered in 1995 by Spanierman Gallery LLC, New York City; sold 12 December 1995 for $6,325 by Butterfield & Butterfield, San Francisco, as lot 5131 in sale 6319, "American and European Paintings and Sculpture".
Reproductions: 12 December 1995 sale catalog (color).
Citations: Moure, Nancy Dustin Wall, California Art, page 81.
Description: A cityscape, the only one known to have been painted by Schafer. A group of brown, two-story wooden buildings with integral boardwalks surround a brightly lit dirt yard. Several figures are sitting, standing, and walking, including one dressed in blue and carrying two buckets with a shoulder-bar. The buildings on the far side of the yard include one with a dormer and one with a small balcony projecting through the roof; several figures stand on the balcony. The darker building on the right is viewed end-on; three doors face the viewer and a balcony is supported with five wooden posts. At the right end of the balcony is a slender wood framework of some kind. The sky is blue with some clouds to the left. (From a color photograph.)
Note: 1. In addition to the date in the title, Schafer is reported to have made a trip to Los Angeles in 1886, which helps confirm the date.
Identification: Title of unknown origin, from auction catalog.
In index(es): Title list, cabins, farmhouses, and similar structures, Southern California scenes, unusual subjects--still life, cityscapes, dated paintings

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