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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0036

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[photo] Carmelo Bay near Monterey, California
Photo credit: William K. Dick
Medium: oil on canvas, lined
Size: 30 x 50 in (76 x 127 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F Schäfer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, underlined
Verso: said to be "Carmelo Bay/Near Monterey, Cala", (back covered with plywood; said to be lined)
Provenance: In The Oakland Museum of California, from 1953.
Exhibited: Scenes of Grandeur: Nineteenth Century Landscape Paintings of California, #29, Pomona College, 1963; California Landscape Painting, Reno, Nevada, and San Mateo, California, 1978-1980.
Reproductions: Archives of California Art photograph; Early California and Western Art Research/Schafer slide #35 (color, 1976); William K. Dick photo #79 (color, undated)
Citations: Inventory of American Paintings… record 71060654; William K. Dick notes, page 79; The Oakland Museum of California January 1990 inventory list, inventory #53.92.
Site: Carmel Bay, California, somewhere near Point Lobos. ("Carmelo" is the old Spanish name for the area known today as "Carmel". It was named for the Carmelite monks who accompanied the discovery ship.)
Description: The Pacific Ocean is on the right with white waves breaking gently on a rocky shore, and low, grey mountains in the background. Wind-shriveled Monterey cypress trees with bright green tops grow on a rise to the left. In the lower center, a large flock of sea gulls flies above their white roosting rock; many others perch on the rock. The foreground to the left is covered with low green brush. The land is painted in vivid colors, mostly greens and browns; a bright red patch of fungus grows near the top of the trunk of the largest tree. Fog lies against the distant coast on the right. White clouds above, a dark cloud at the top edge. The shadows of the trees indicate that the sun is almost directly overhead. (From the painting, 15 August 1991.)
Identification: The Inventory of American Paintings entry cites the Oakland Museum as the owner.
In index(es): Title list, coastal and marine scenes, paintings currently held in museums and public collections

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