Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Conventions: Documentation of images

Documentation of Images: Where possible, the documentation of a painting includes a small (thumbnail) image useful in identifying the painting and distinguishing it from other paintings. Normally, the only documentation associated with this thumbnail is an adjacent photo credit line.

When available, a more detailed (approximately 3- by 5-inch) image appears on a separate page, reachable by clicking on the thumbnail. This separate page also provides additional information concerning this and other images of the painting:

  • Links to Related images, such as detail of the signature, verso inscriptions, photographs of the site, or other photographs of the same painting.
  • Larger image. In many cases clicking on the image leads to a still larger image for more detailed study. A note above the image indicates whether or not a larger image is available.
  • Original. The kind of original, such as digital photograph, photographic print, negative, 35 mm slide, or 4- x 5-inch positive transparency. In a small number of cases, the painting was directly scanned, so the painting itself is the original.
  • Scan. If the image was scanned, this entry tells when, how, and by whom. This entry often includes some obscure labels that identify the file containing the original scanned image, as well as details of scanner settings.
  • Adjustments. Any digital image processing and adjustments that were performed. More information on both scanning and adjustments can be found in the discussion of Image scanning and post-scan processing procedures.
  • Note(s) concerning the image, typically pointing out problems in the photograph or scan that might affect the interpretation of the image.
  • Calibration. A link to a page of standard color calibration targets, which can be used to determine how the various color transformations in the chain from the original photograph to your display screen may have affected the appearance of the images. For more on this topic, see the discussion of Color adjustment.

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