Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Image record 8119

(7) Report of the sale of Schafer paintings from the 1884 Mechanics' Fair exhibition in San Francisco

No larger image available

[painting photograph]

Image credit: GenealogyBank. Located by James Marquardt.

Related images: (1) Notice of Schafer exhibition at 19th Mechanics Fair.
(2) Republication of the above notice in an Alameda newspaper.
(3) Report that the 1884 Mechanics' Fair paintings will be sold at auction.
(4) Another, very brief report that Schafer paintings will be sold at auction.
(5) An advertisement of the auction.
(6) A slightly different advertisement of the auction.
(7) A news report of the auction.
(8) Another announcement of this auction, citing 65 paintings.
(9) A daily auction list that includes the auction.
(10) A last-minute news reminder of the auction.
(11) A report after the auction, giving some prices.

Information about this image:
Original: Published Tuesday, September 16, 1884 in the San Francisco Evening Bulletin LVIII, 138, page 2, column 3.
Adjustments: Image digitally contrast-enhanced and sharpened. Image contains ICC color profile.
Note: Except for "Moonrise in Ross Valley", all of the painting titles listed here also appear in the list of titles of paintings exhibited at Mechanics' Institute Nineteenth Industrial Exhibition. The catalogue mentioned has not been located. This report is part of a public relations campaign consisting of at least ten newspaper notices, reports, and advertisements. The clippings are numbered (1) through (10).
Calibration: Targets

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