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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0566

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[photo] [Yosemite Falls (Bridalveil Fall?)]
Photo credit: J. Saltzer, 1998; courtesy of Christopher Queen Galleries
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 21 x 16 in (53 x 41 cm)
Inscription: l/r "F. Schafer"
Verso: none reported
Provenance: To Christopher Queen Galleries, Duncans Mills, California 6 June 1991.
Citations: Christopher Queen Galleries record 604
Site: Appears to be Bridalveil Fall, Yosemite National Park.
Description: A view looking up from the base of a waterfall coming over a high cliff with a few trees at its top; only a small patch of sky is visible in the center above the cliff. The fall tumbles in a narrow stream, then explodes in a spray that nearly fills the width of the painting. The stream proceeds to the front of the painting through and beside rocks. A conifer extends more than the height of the painting on the right; at the left edge is a smaller conifer; beyond it a still smaller one. (From the painting, 22 July 1998)
Note: A detail of this painting was used in a wine label of the Silver Fox Vineyards in 2003.
Identification: The source of the title "Yosemite Falls", is unknown. However, the shape, height, and environment of the waterfall in the picture all suggest that a better title would be "Bridalveil Fall in Yosemite Valley".
In index(es): Title list, Yosemite Valley--other views

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Comments, corrections, or questions: Saltzer@mit.edu
Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility