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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0319

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[photo] [View of Mount Hood, Oregon 1]

Date: said to be undated
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 43 x 70 in (109 x 178 cm)
Inscription: l/l "F. Schäfer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand, underlined.
Provenance: With Galerie Mongeon, Portland, Oregon.
Reproductions: Galerie Mongeon photograph of the painting and signature detail (color), copy on file at The Cleveland Museum Artist Archive, photo file #114467/8.
Site: Mount Hood, Oregon. The Galerie Mongeon description identifies this view as from the Southeast.
Description: Snow-capped Mount Hood rises dramatically in the center against a hazy sky with storm clouds gathering on the left. The view is through a long, deep valley with rocky walls that hold only occasional trees. The distant valley walls zig-zag several times, each time more indistinct, finally ending in foothills of the mountain. A white-water river flows toward the viewer in the right foreground. On the left bank, boulders have formed a cave; a bear stands at the entrance of the cave. Just in front of the cave are four trees, two dead, one fallen back against the cliff, and one dying. The right valley wall is topped by high, rocky crags, brightly illuminated from the right. (From a color photograph.)
Note: The overall composition is quite similar to [Mount Hood from The Dalles, Oregon 2], but in this view the mountain is seen from a different angle, revealing two promontories on the right slope. The other painting depicts a cloudless sky, hazy near the horizon. The composition is virtually identical to the smaller [View of Mount Hood, Oregon 2].
Identification: Descriptive title of unknown origin, as reported by Galerie Mongeon.
In index(es): Title list, Mount Hood

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility