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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0212

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[photo] [Mountain landscape 3]
Photo credit: William K. Dick, 1974
Date: probably undated
Medium: oil on canvas
Size: 28 x 50 in (71 x 127 cm)
Inscription: l/r "F. Schafer", in the artist's characteristic block-letter hand
Verso: said to be no inscription
Provenance: With Wortsman Stewart Galleries, Inc., San Francisco, 1974-1975.
Reproductions: Early California and Western Art Research/Schafer slide #24 (color, 1975); William K. Dick photo #32 (color, 1974)
Site: Probably Mount Tamalpais, California, viewed from the North near San Anselmo.
Description: Looking down over a rise at a dramatically lighted lake or river, which is a deep blue/black on the left, bright on right. Beyond the lake is a hazy beige mountain against a grey, cloud-filled sky with a brownish slope on the left in front of the mountain. On a slope up to the right are three brown cows on a trail leading from a grove of trees. Four or five more cows are on a point on the far bank of the lake. Two trees penetrate the sky line near the right. The foreground is covered with brush and wildflowers. (From a color photograph.)
Identification: Descriptive title of unknown origin, as found in the Early California and Western Art Research index. Both the ECWAR slide and the photograph by William K. Dick identify the Wortsman Rowe offering.
In index(es): Title list, Mount Tamalpais, pastoral and rural scenes

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility