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Frederick Ferdinand Schafer Painting Catalog

Painting record FFSd0035

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[photo] [Camp by a river at sunset]
Photo credit: William K. Dick, 1978
Inscription: signature not visible in photograph, may be l/l
Reproductions: William K. Dick slide S4, (1978, color)
Description: A light blue sky at the top shades through yellow, then orange at the horizon behind the forest. On the left, two tall conifers are the front edge of a dense forest standing on the left bank of a stream, which flows toward the viewer and fills the front and right lower edge of the painting. On the distant right bank is a campfire with smoke trailing up in front of an almost black forest that rises to cover only half the sky. In the distance in the center, the stream tumbles down over two layers of rapids. A few orange clouds are seen low in the sky where the stream splits the forest. (From a color photograph.)
Identification: Assigned, descriptive title. The slide has no further identifying information.
In index(es): Title list, mountain streams through a forest

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Jan 17, 2025, 20:36 MST Accessibility